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what WhatsApp can do in your Online Store
Now You can do this with whatsApp :
1. add button order by whatsapp next to add to cart so the customer can choose between them to have human assest or order dirctly and both ways add order to your orders list
2. send notification via WhatsApp
3. follow unfinished purchases via whatsapp to encourage theme to complete order
Get Your Online Store Now
Professional Online Store
- Easy to use and manage build with CMS – WordPress
- Search Engine frindly
- Original Content
- Domain & Host For 1 Year
- Professional builder included
- Integrated with Google merchant, Facebook, mailchimp and whatsApp
- Arabic & English
- Price 25000 EGP in 45 days
- Technical Support and training

Improve Your Online Store
If you have an online store and you need to improve it
- Integrate with Google merchant, Facebook , Mailchimp and WhatsApp
- SEO Basics
- Original Content
- Price started from 6000 EGP depends on the status of your online store