Programming Development

in Alex soft house for programming development & digital marketing, We build innovative custom software solutions that enable your company to unlock the power of advanced tech.

with us, you will speed up your growth in the market share and outperform the competition. by dealing with solid experts in all programming solutions. Our developers build custom software for individuals, startups…etc..

If You Need a Custom Software solution ?

We represent the modern style of the programming technique, in top-grade custom software development. with smart, clear, flexible programming solutions .tell us about Your project We can help you in building

  • Custom Software solutions
  • Customer Services software
  • Account Manager Software

You have an idea of a custom development project. and we have cross-functional experts to deliver your project. get the next step for enabling your digital transformation.

Custom Software solutions

we able to build any software you need for your business with a competitive price and quality.We divide the stages of work on the program into several separate stages in order to test and measure the user experience and ensure the goal of your project.Our programs are characterized by the ability to modify and develop during the stages of your business growth.

  • Collecting data like inputs and required outputs
  • Make a plan and schedule time .
  • Coding by “ php ,
  • Testing
  • Training your team
  • Start work with 24 hour support

Customer Services software

Customer Services: from our market study we found an especial need for the companies which work in maintenance field so we made this software including :

  • Receive phone calls
  • Find customer’s data from his phone
  • Record order
  • Assign tasks to technicians
  • Follow up
  • Manage workshop
  • Manage spare parts
  • Manage revenue

And much more details you can book an appointment to get your free trial copy (Ask for trial copy)

Account Manager Software

Account manager : A long time ago since 2000 we published Account manager V 1.0 which is targeting small shops. You can then record your purchases , sales and expenses so the software can make reports like inventory and items cards …. So on .Then from the feedback we get we improved the software to V 2.0 witch is included more details about money transactions and other details, then V 3.0 which provide everything you can imagine for small commercial business such like :

  • Suppliers & Customers account
  • Stock ( with last price and with average )
  • Item’s card
  • Two unites for items
  • Including services as items
  • New approach to manage expired date
  • Sells person’s report ( sells & payments )
  • Item’s integration

And much more details you can book an appointment to get your free trial copy (Ask for trial copy)

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